Gym Trainer and Aerobics and Zumba Supervisor Program

Aerobic exercise is an aerobic activity that increases the body’s endurance and improves lung function. It releases a chemical called endorphins that enhance mood. These exercises are also considered one of the best ways to control weight, as the body burns a lot of calories during their performance. They are also the best way to balance food intake and energy production.

Aerobic exercises include walking for long distances, swimming or engaging in water exercises, dancing, running or jogging, riding a bicycle (either outdoors or on a stationary bike), and ice skating.

There are many benefits to practicing aerobic exercises, including the following:

    • Improving blood circulation and aiding in better oxygen flow throughout the body.
    • Helping to reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.
    • Increasing endurance, allowing for longer periods of exercise without fatigue.
    • Assisting in reducing body fat.
      Improving sleep patterns.
    • Supporting healthy weight maintenance.
      Boosting energy levels.
    • Helping to reduce stress, tension, anxiety, and fatigue.

Zumba is a form of fitness created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto “Beto” Perez in the 1990s. It is a trademark owned by Zumba Fitness LLC. Zumba is considered one of the fastest-growing forms of exercise worldwide. This sport includes various individual and distinctive dances with specific choreography that is driven by the rhythm of Latin music melodies.

With international accreditation from the World Sports Federation (WSF) and in collaboration with the College of Sports in Jerusalem, the Professional Global for Managing Educational Projects (PGMEP) is organizing a specialized training course in the field of sports coaching.

Program Outcomes

Become internationally accredited by the World Sports Foundation (WSF).

Program Target Audience

  1. University students from sports colleges.
  2. Those interested in working in clubs and fitness centers.

Joining our programs will enable you to earn an international certification related to your field!