Consuller Eng. Mohammed Hassoneh participates in a Training Program Presented by the International Labour Organization and UNICEF in Cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development
The program aims to develop a national plan for social protection that responds to shocks, whether from disasters, wars, diseases, epidemics, or other crises.
Several ministries, municipalities, associations, chambers of commerce, the Red Crescent, labor unions, and universities, which partner with the Ministry of Social Development through the strategic planning committee.
Several scenarios were reviewed, and participants were divided into groups to study various cases, including settler attacks and proposed intervention scenarios in cooperation with donors or the government to cover affected families. Other cases included scenarios similar to famine, diseases like COVID-19 or cholera, internal conflicts, and multiple case studies.
The consequences and repercussions were identified and divided into waves, detailing the impacts on social protection, such as injuries, deaths, displacement, family disintegration, and destroyed infrastructure, leading to destruction and loss of property. Additionally, the spread of diseases, shortage of essential resources like food, water, and electricity, and the mechanisms for short-term and long-term treatment were addressed